Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Working with My FIT group

Tonight, we finished the finishing touches on our project. I think everything turned out well. I enjoyed my group. Two of my group members I have never worked with before. One of the members I had a class with previously. It is different to work in groups on this level. Not a different that I don't like, but one that I can count as a new experience. We shared some similarities though. We were all FITs for the same class. It is interesting because we shared the same frustration with the group participants and course instructor. I think the FIT experience was not so much a bad experience, but a learning one. It allowed me to see that grown ups are sometimes no different than highschoolers. FITs are charged with pulling learning experiences from the students. Overall, it was a learning experience. But what's different is putting our project together. We all bring something different. I had some personal issues to take care of when the group had their initial meeting. I was lost when we first hooked back up. But Wali, the only male in the group, assured me that I could just fall into place. When putting the project information together, we all had dialogue on our experience. Because some of us have education backgrounds, we made comparisons on the qualities of a good teacher and a bad teacher. We even went as far to say that a good teacher can do well face to face or online. I agree. A teacher has the ability to pull information and make connections like no one else. I have to do this everyday. In the case of LaCema, she has to direct professional students to get the most out of their education. Overall, I enjoyed the group aspect of this class. I didn't feel overly stressed. We talked like adults when we needed clarification and was able to get the job done.

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